Professional Development

In every profession, it’s essential to constantly improve skills and learn new things in order to become better at what you do. The languages that we, as translators, use at work (at least two) evolve all the time. Each language creates new words, while others disappear or become obsolete. We need to know it all in order to properly convey a message. Moreover, we constantly need to improve our translation skills. In order to increase our productivity and offer professional translation services, we also need to be up-to-date with the latest technology solutions. I achieve all of this through continuous professional development (CPD).

My professional development as a translation expert

How do I develop as a translation expert? I read articles about my areas of expertise, which include sports, fashion, tourism, and hospitality, as well as attend translation conferences and workshops. I also constantly deepen my knowledge of the services I offer to my clients, i.e., translation, transcreation, copywriting, copy editing, and subtitling.

The list below includes the conferences and workshops I’ve attended, as well as the courses I’ve taken so far.

Translation conferences

  • Winter Translation Forum ’23 (Nov. 29-30 and Dec. 1, 2023)
  • Innovation in Translation Summit (Nov. 15-19, 2022)
  • KTLC2022 (Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2022)
  • International Translation Day (Sept. 28-29, 2022)
  • Spring Virtual Trados Conference (May 18-20, 2021)
  • Translation Conference in Spanish (Jan. 18-21, 2021)
  • Financial Success Summit for Translators (Nov. 16-19, 2020)
  • SDL Trados Virtual Conference (Nov. 3-5, 2020)
  • KTLC2020 (Sept. 26-29, 2020)

Translation, transcreation, and copywriting workshops

  • Translating haircare (Oct. 11, 2024)
  • Content marketing – jaki ma wpływ na SEO? /Content marketing and its influence on SEO/ (Nov. 30, 2023)
  • An introduction to beauty translation (July 20, 2023)
  • Portuguese and English sports translation & interpreting (May 11, 2023)
  • El futuro de la traducción en 2023 /The future of translation in 2023/ (Jan. 29, 2023)
  • Jak pisać teksty SEO w 2023 roku /”How to write SEO-friendly content in 2023″/ (Nov. 11, 2022)
  • Time-saving tricks for translators and interpreters (Feb. 1, 2022)
  • ​Online marketing for freelance translators and interpreters (May 1, 2021)
  • Transcreation workshop at the Translation Conference in Spanish (Jan. 18, 2021)
  • Jak pisać, by przyciągać uwagę, angażować i realizować cele /”How to write to attract, engage and pursue objectives”/ (Dec. 16, 2020)
  • Transkreacja, czyli w pół drogi między copywritingiem a przekładem /Transcreation: halfway between copywriting and translation/ (Nov. 27, 2020)

Recurring translation events

  • Po co się CATować? /Why to use CAT tools?/, a monthly series of workshops
  • Spanish courses:
    • La minería o prospección de textos: ¿el futuro de la traducción? /Mining or text prospecting. The future of translation) (Oct. 15, 2021)
    • Las preguntas al verbo. Claves para razonar algunas funciones sintácticas del español (Oct. 13, 2021)
    • Adverbios terminados en “mente” y por qué los inventó el diablo. Estrategias para evitarlos y mejorar nuestro estilo (Aug. 13, 2021)
    • Diez excepciones poco conocidas de normas lingüísticas muy conocidas /10 unknown exceptions of well-known linguistic norms/ (Apr. 23, 2021)
    • Un poco de lexicología comparada (porque las palabras importan) (Apr. 2, 2021)
  • Ask Your Mentor Anything Live series

Other webinars and events

  • numerous marketing-related workshops
  • LinkedIn Newsletter Challenge (Jul. 9–12, 2024)
  • Super Kobiety Onlajnu Business Summit (Dec. 6–8, 2022)
  • Women of Impact Summit (Dec. 1–2, 2022)
  • Freelance Business Month (Oct. 2022)
  • Visible Women on LinkedIn (Feb. 14-18, 2022)
  • Reflect and Reset Challenge (Dec. 13–16, 2021)
  • Making your sites tablet and mobile-friendly (Feb. 25, 2021)
  • #SoyCopywriter event (Apr. 12–16, 2021)
  • Language influences the way we think? Culture influences the way we talk? (Mar. 29, 2021)

If you’re a translator like me and want to stay up-to-date with the translation industry professional development activities, follow my LinkedIn profile.

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